Beryl Gay
Beryl Gay was born in Pakenham,Victoria, Australia.
From the age of ten she dreamt of becoming an artist but the necessity of earning an income, marriage and raising a family came first.
It wasn’t until the children left home that she was able to put most of her attention to pursuing her art and subsequently completed a 10 year apprenticeship at the McNeill Academy of Realist art gaining her diploma in 1996.
Her art is strongly shaped by the growing years spent on subsistence farms at Gembrook and later in the hills of Foster where the family lived entirely on what the land produced. It was there that her love for the Australian countryside developed and her work today reflects this.
She seeks mood content in her work with the time of day, season and different weather conditions contributing to this.
Her paintings capture the essence of the Australian bush but she also enjoys painting still-life, floral and genre paintings.
Her aim is to capture the spirituality and beauty of this wide land, her country and her connection with her aboriginal heritage.